Everyday Finances
Lowering your WiFi bill is easier than you think!
Jun 07, 2024
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I can live without internet, said no one, ever.
In today’s world, there are many things you need to pay for no matter what: groceries, gas, and utility bills. And the internet, of course. Actually, 76% of Americans agree that internet service is as important as water or electricity.
Problems arise when that bill starts making a real dent on your finances. A recent report found that the median cost of internet service was $75 a month, with half of the surveyed households paying between $60 and $90 per month.
The fact is that you can’t cut the internet out of daily living. So what can you do when your internet bill starts hurting? The answer is, you can do a lot. From spotting hidden fees to things you can literally do to your physical WiFi router, there are smart ways to make the most of your WiFi…and shrink that bill. Every dollar counts!
Here are 7 ways to save on your WiFi bill:
1. Dodge hidden fees
Be aware of fees needed to activate your internet service and maintain it. These will all be listed on your bill and may include installation fees, equipment rental fees, and paper billing fees. For example, many providers will waive the paper billing fees if you receive a bill through your email versus a bill in the mail. Don’t shy away from asking your internet provider what the fee refers to and whether it can be discounted—or even waived.
2. Reduce speed
Maybe you don’t need the fastest speed available. If you’re not working from home, you may want to consider a slower internet speed, which could be less expensive. Boom, internet bill reduced.
3. Minimize devices
The more gadgets that access the internet (smart TVs, phones, gaming consoles, voice assistants), the more they’ll consume your bandwidth. If you’re the only one at home, minimize your devices by disconnecting them from your home’s WiFi. Plus, fewer devices means avoiding paying data overage fees. Win-win.
4. Use discount programs
Do a quick Google search of programs in your state to lower your WiFi bill. For example, one government program offers a hefty discount service for households on Tribal lands. You could also ask your provider directly if they offer any discount programs based on household income. Many times, you’re just an application away from getting a discounted rate.
5. Bundle up
Internet access is not the only thing that internet service providers offer. Many companies offer cell phone service, cable TV plans, and even landlines (a phone that stays at home is still a thing, believe it or not). Their bundled offers are meant to entice you with savings. And for the right person, it could make a lot of sense to bundle a few services for a better bill.
6. Move your router
Unhappy with the speed of your internet and dreading the hassle of finding a new service? Wait! Move your router. If you shove your router in a cabinet because it doesn’t fit your home’s aesthetic, the WiFi signal will struggle to pass through walls and cover longer distances. Place it out in the open and high up. Having it close to your computer may make a big difference to WiFi speed as well.
7. Use an ethernet cord
When your internet connection seems unstable and slower than ever, try this first before you consider paying for an increased speed plan (which means a more expensive monthly bill). For a more stable signal, buying a $10 or $20 Ethernet cable might save the day. There’s a place to connect it directly to your TV, gaming console, or computer.
Bottom line: Your internet bill is here to stay. You may as well keep some money in your pocket while you pay for it.
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Monica is a Marketing Copywriter on Achieve’s Growth Creative team. She creates content across many social platforms, as well as crafting emails and blogs.
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Kimberly is Achieve’s senior editor. She is a financial counselor accredited by the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education®, and a mortgage expert for The Motley Fool. She owns and manages a 350-writer content agency.
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